EMO HANNOVER 2023 2023年德國漢諾威第二十五屆歐洲國際機床展覽會 展位號:HALL 6 Booth NO:D22 DATE:18th – 23rd Sep. 2023 Monday to Friday daily, 9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m Saturday 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m Exhibition machines: EDM WIRE CUT MACHINE, EDM DRILL MACHINE 展會時間:2023年9月18 日~ 9月23日 展會地址:歐洲-德國 德國漢諾威會展中心 舉辦周期:2年1屆
EMO is a European trade show for the manufacturing industries. It occurs every odd-numbered year, with a cycle that finds it at the Hanover Fairground in Hanover, Germany for 2 shows, then the Fiera Milano exhibition center in Milan, Italy for 1 show. EMO began as the EEMO (Exposition européenne de machines-outils, European machine tools exhibition). The first EEMO was held in 1951. The name changed in 1975 to EMO (Exposition Mondiale de la Machine-Outil). Nowadays its scope extends beyond machine tools, and the acronym expansion is not used by CECIMO anymore. The show covers the spectrum of metalworking technologies, such as machine tools for milling, turning, and forming; manufacturing systems; precision measuring tools; automated materials handling; computer technology; industrial electronics; and accessories. 始創于1951年,堪稱世界機床與制造技術行業權威、專業的盛會之一,充分展示了當今世界制造設備和技術領域的科研和創新,在國際金屬加工領域具有舉足輕重的主導地位。 EMO是由歐洲機床工業合作委員會(CECIMO)發起和贊助的,創立于1951年,迄今已舉辦了二十四屆,每兩年舉辦一屆,在歐洲的兩大著名展覽城市按照“漢諾威—漢諾威—米蘭”的模式巡回展出,是世界上第一流的機械制造技術專業展覽會。EMO是以其展覽規模全球最大,展品種類豐富,展品水平引領世界,參觀客商檔次最高而聞名于世的。它是國際機床行業的窗口,是國際機床市場的縮影和晴雨表,是中國機床工具企業通往世界的最佳市場平臺。